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Documentaal & Epona: solutions for contract optimization
Epona and Documentaal work together to provide the best legal solutions in the...

Documentaal & Epona: solutions for contract optimization

Epona and Documentaal work together to provide the best legal solutions in document creation and storage! Litigation documents such as subpoenas and pleadings, agreements and NDAs can be generated in no time, shared with parties and, for example,...

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Document Assembly - how does it work?
That Documentaal helps automate and facilitate time-consuming (and sometimes frustrating) processes around...

Document Assembly - how does it work?

That Documentaal helps automate and facilitate time-consuming (and sometimes frustrating) processes around document usage is by now beyond dispute! Today, we will go into more detail about the how behind this statement. So, in concrete terms: what does our software do...

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Drafting documents - always spending too much time?
Documentaal does pain management. What do we mean by this? That we take time-consuming processes around document use out of...

Drafting documents - always spending too much time?

Documentaal does pain management. What do we mean by this? That we take time-consuming processes around document usage out of your hands. And there is a lot of time to be gained in document creation. But now to be specific: If you create a (legal) document -...

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Documentaal is the C of Confident
Definition:Self-assured or self-assured is the degree to which a person believes in himself and in what he...

Documentaal is the C of Confident

Definition: Self-confidence or self-assurance is the degree to which someone believes in himself or herself and in what he or she can do. Being self-assured evokes positive feelings and says a lot about a person's self-confidence. Those who are self-assured have confidence in themselves. Documentaal is...

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Documentaal is the I of Intelligent
Intelligence is a mental characteristic with many different functions, such as the ability to understand similarities and differences between...

Documentaal is the I of Intelligent

Intelligence is a mental characteristic with many different functions, such as the ability to notice similarities and differences in observations, to orientate oneself in space, to reason, to make plans, to comprehend and solve problems, to think in abstractions, to...

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