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DocID In Combination With IManage
Efficient document management with DocID combined with iManage 
At a time when companies are increasingly faced with an abundance of documents,...

Efficient document management with DocID combined with iManage 

At a time when companies are increasingly faced with an abundance of documents and information, efficient document management is becoming increasingly important to the success of organizations. This is where the Document Identifier (DocID) from Documentaal coupled with iManage, a leading...

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Document creation
Document Creation: The way for more streamlined operations 
Always professional-looking document Have you ever wondered how some companies manage to...

Document Creation: The way for more streamlined operations 

Always professional-looking document Have you ever wondered how some companies manage to always produce perfectly structured, professional-looking documents? Behind this apparent simplicity lies an art form: efficient document creation. Let's explore together how document creation can help your business...

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Syntex And Large Language Models
Syntex and Large Language Models
Syntex and Large Language Models: A particularly attractive combination Syntex is one of the tools...

Syntex and Large Language Models

Syntex and Large Language Models: A particularly attractive combination Syntex is one of the tools with which Microsoft is making significant inroads in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), especially since the breakthrough of its chatbot ChatGP. The company offers...

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DMS Accountants
Document Management & Creation: Calm in the digital document chaos for Accountants
A document management solution for accountants should provide peace of mind and order. As an accountant, you are ...

Document Management & Creation: Calm in the digital document chaos for Accountants

A document management solution for accountants should provide peace of mind and order. After all, as an accountant, you are busy enough with providing tax advice to clients, financial planning and legal compliance. Preconditions such as Document Creation and Document Management, aspects that are of...

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Accountancy Expo 2019
Documentaal at the Accountancy Expo 2019
On Tuesday 18 June 2019, Documentaal will be represented at the Accountancy Expo 2019 in the...

Documentaal at the Accountancy Expo 2019

On Tuesday 18 June 2019 Documentaal will be represented at the Accountancy Expo 2019 in the Autotron Rosmalen. Documentaal is a name synonymous with Document Creation and Document Management. With an experienced team of highly educated people who work together, actively share knowledge and...

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Connections lead to profit, efficiency and quality
To automate: to switch to a mode of production in which manual work is replaced by computers, writes the Dikke...

Connections lead to profit, efficiency and quality

To automate: to switch to a mode of production in which manual work is replaced by computers, writes the Dikke van Dale. And developments in automation are moving fast, very fast. The pace is no longer that of a beautiful voyage of discovery, but rather that of a...
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Den Hollander Lawyers
Den Hollander Lawyers embraces user-friendly LegalWord365
Actually, Den Hollander Advocaten was not looking for a document creation program like LegalWord365 at all. 'We...

Den Hollander Lawyers embraces user-friendly LegalWord365

Actually, Den Hollander Advocaten was not looking for a document creation program like LegalWord365 at all. 'We switched to a new DMS and CRM system, DMSforLegal and ContactManager respectively, both from Epona,' says Mr. Marijn Trouwborst, 'Epona then suggested we also...
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The Why, How and What of GDPR, Document Creation, and your DMS
  Why is there the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)? The General Data Protection Regulation...

The Why, How and What of GDPR, Document Creation, and your DMS

  Why is there the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European law that guarantees European citizens' privacy. GDPR creates an onus on companies to understand the risks that they create for others,...
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