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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Documentaal hecht veel waarde aan continuïteit van de software en een goede ondersteuning van de beheerders en medewerkers. Met de supportafspraken vastgelegd in dit document wordt de hoge mate van betrokkenheid van Documentaal bij de ondersteuning van uw bedrijfsvoering inzichtelijk gemaakt.

The Service Level Parameters described in detail below provide insight into how Documentaal handles support requests.

Reachability (Service Window)

The helpdesk is available during office hours from Monday to Friday from 09.00 - 17.00, excluding national holidays.

The following contact details apply for the helpdesk.

Phone number: +31 (0)26 445 10 36

Support requests

Support requests are linked to a classification. A customer can give a preliminary classification to a support request. The Documentaal support employee determines the final classification of a support request. Documentaal uses three classifications.

  1. Question
    This is a request for support in the form of:

    • advice on how to proceed (best practice);
    • explanation of the operation of the software (training issue);
    • advice on options for changing the configuration
  2. Change request
    This is a request to add a change to the configuration or to modify an existing configuration. If the change request can be realised within the existing configuration possibilities of dStyle, it can usually be planned in the short term. If the change request results in a software change, this is placed on the dStyle roadmap. Documentaal determines the timeframe for implementing the software change and is not obliged to implement all requests.
  3. Bug
    This is a report of the software or configuration not working correctly. A customer cannot always determine whether a bug is related to the software of Documentaal, third-party software, hardware or other issues. Therefore, all bugs are placed under this category. It is up to the support staff of Documentaal to investigate and assess whether it is indeed a bug in the software of Documentaal . If this turns out not to be the case, the customer is informed about the results of the investigation and, if available, a possible solution.

When a support request is classified as a 'Bug', an impact is also linked to it. When submitting a bug, the impact can initially be given by the customer, but the Documentaal support employee determines the final impact. Documentaal uses four levels of impact for bugs.

  1. Small
    There is no company critical limitation and employees can achieve the desired result with a simple work around.
  2. Normal
    There is no company critical limitation and employees can achieve the desired result with a work around.
  3. Large
    There is no company critical limitation and no work around available.
  4. Blocking
    There is a business critical constraint and no work around available.

Response time

The response time for support requests depends on the classification and impact that the Documentaal support engineer assigns to the request.

  1. Question
    Documentaal will respond within 5 working days with an appropriate answer. A suitable answer provides clarity on the use of the possibilities in dStyle.
  2. Change request
    Documentaal will respond within 5 working days with a suitable answer or proposal including planning and cost estimate. A suitable answer provides clarity on the possibilities for realising the change request, the way it can be realised and on what conditions.
  3. Bug
    The response time for a bug depends on the impact linked to the support request. Documentaal responds within the response time with an answer about the possibilities of solving the bug and the time frame in which this can be achieved or a suitable work around.
    The response time per impact:

    1. Small: 2 days
    2. Normal: 1 day
    3. Large: 4 hours
    4. Blocking: 1 hour
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