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Document Management For Accountants
Document management for accountants: How Documentaal makes itself indispensable.
Document management for accountants: Time is money, right? We know how irritating it is to have those...

Document management for accountants: How Documentaal makes itself indispensable.

Document management for accountants: time is money, right? We know how irritating it is to have to remind that colleague to approve an invoice every time. Especially as the end of the month approaches and you...

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Documentaal & Epona: solutions for contract optimization
Epona and Documentaal work together to provide the best legal solutions in the...

Documentaal & Epona: solutions for contract optimization

Epona and Documentaal work together to provide the best legal solutions in document creation and storage! Litigation documents such as subpoenas and pleadings, agreements and NDAs can be generated in no time, shared with parties and, for example,...

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DMS: this is how it works and this is when you choose it
DMS stands for Document Management System and is the solution in this digital world in which...

DMS: this is how it works and this is when you choose it

DMS stands for Document Management System and is the solution in this digital world where we are faced with more and more data and data flows every day. A DMS ensures that employees always have access to their own documents and...

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What is SharePoint and how does it help you work together?
What is SharePoint? Microsoft SharePoint is part of Microsoft 365 and provides a secure environment to...

What is SharePoint and how does it help you work together?

What is SharePoint? Microsoft SharePoint is part of Microsoft 365 and provides a secure environment in which to collaborate, store and share files. Anyone with a Microsoft365 subscription has access to Microsoft SharePoint. In SharePoint, multiple people can simultaneously...

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Version control: what is it and what does it do for you?
In simple terms, version management is the real-time tracking of changes in files. This provides insight into who has made which changes and when...

Version control: what is it and what does it do for you?

In simple terms, version management is the real-time tracking of changes to files. This provides insight into who has made which change and when. In addition, version management allows you to retrieve and view a specific version at any time. With version management, you can view changes between two versions, see...

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Digital Workplace
Digital Workplace: These are the advantages
It's almost impossible to imagine life without the term nowadays: the digital workplace, also known as the...

Digital Workplace: These are the advantages

It's almost impossible to imagine life without the term nowadays: the digital workplace. More than 95% of companies say it is important to have a digital workplace. But what does the digital workplace entail?

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