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Document Management For Accountants: How Documentaal Makes Itself Indispensable.

Document management for accountants: How Documentaal makes itself indispensable.

Document management for accountants: time is money, right? We know how irritating it is to have to remind that colleague to approve an invoice every time. Especially when the end of the month approaches and you see the list of tasks still outstanding. No one likes playing policeman and having to chase after others. We understand, this recurring situation generates frustration. Document management should not take up so much time and effort at all.

But what if...

If you and your colleagues could see all open documents (or pending tasks) in one clear & smart dashboard? And could perceive at a glance where a document is located - and by that I mean both "Where can I find this document?" and "Where in the handling process is this document and what remains to be done with it? Which documents are about to expire/expire?

How nice would it be to automatically receive a signal from this dashboard letting you know that it is time to perform a certain action regarding a document?

Document management with Documentaal

Thanks to our method of automation, human errors or mistakes within your team, department or company can be greatly reduced. Your document flow processes will no longer be delayed by communication problems.

You and your colleagues will no longer spend time waiting for each other, searching for files and going through the steps and/or data that will automatically fall into place thanks to our document creation software (read more about it here ). Less frustration, less chaos and more clarity! This leaves you as an accountant time and concentration for the really important tasks.

We believe that a lot of time and money can be saved for any accounting firm. If you request a free demo, we will personally visit you to explain everything about our services and products and how we can use them to help your business move forward. This is, of course, completely non-binding!

Together with Documentaal, everything quickly and conveniently digital.

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