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Headers and Footers

Headers and footers in Microsoft Word are areas at the top (header) and bottom (footer) of each page in a document where you can add consistent information, such as page numbers, titles, author name, date or company logo. Headers and footers are typically used to add important details that should appear on each page, promoting consistency and professionalism in the document. Within dStyle365/LegalWord365, we use the header and footer to place your company logos, colophon and legal information in the document. This way, your document will always look the same and professional. Page numbers and document numbers are also placed in the footer.

Here are some features and functionalities of headers and footers in Microsoft Word:

Insert: You can add headers and footers by going to the "Insert" tab in the menu bar and clicking the "Header and Footer" button. You can then choose from several standard layouts or create a custom header or footer.

Content: You can put various elements in headers and footers, such as text, images, page numbers, date, time, file name, etc. This allows you to display the desired information in a consistent manner on each page.

Formatting: You can customize the formatting of headers and footers, such as the font, size, color, alignment and background color. This helps you make the headers and footers consistent with the style and design of your document.

Sections: If you have a document with several sections, you can create different headers and footers for each section. This is useful if, for example, you want to display chapter headings in the header or footer of each page within that section.

Link to previous: You can choose whether or not to link the headers and footers of the current section to the previous section. This is especially useful if you want the headers and footers to be the same on every page or if you have sections with different headers and footers.


Headers and footers are useful features in Microsoft Word that help you format your documents consistently and professionally. They provide a standardized way to display important information on each page and make it easy to make changes without having to edit each page individually.


For more information, see also the site of our partner Microsoft:


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