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Speak To Your Target Group With a Strong Corporate Identity
Address your target group with a strong corporate identity
The importance of a strong corporate identity - or corporate identity - for your company becomes...

Address your target group with a strong corporate identity

The importance of a strong corporate identity for your company is regularly underestimated. That's a pity, because if you know exactly what's at stake, you can better appeal to your target group and work more effectively on a...

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How to Avoid Getting Lost In Project Files
More grip on project files in SharePoint and Teams
Many companies work with the Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Teams platforms. Uploading documents...

More grip on project files in SharePoint and Teams

Many companies work with the Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Teams platforms. Uploading documents in these environments is usually done manually. Anyone who automates this process using software not only saves time and prevents errors, but also gets more...

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The Power of Standardization
The power of standardisation: employees can do what they are good at again
How do you make sure employees don't have to pay attention in these chaotic times...

The power of standardisation: employees can do what they are good at again

How do you ensure that in these chaotic times employees do not have to pay attention to peripheral issues and can continue to do what they are good at? The answer to this question lies in innovation and standardization with the help of...

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Working Manually on Documents? This is where it pinches.
Manual work on documents? This is where it pinches.
The fact that you can make production processes in factories much more efficient with the help of standardization is common knowledge....

Manual work on documents? This is where it pinches.

It is common knowledge that you can make production processes in factories much more efficient by means of standardisation. The fact that companies can use a similar approach to work more effectively on business documents, on the other hand, is less well known. We tell you where it pinches when you...

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Easier And More Effective Working On Documents
Easier and more effective work on documents
Companies create all kinds of different documents for internal use and for their customers. From thank you letters...

Easier and more effective work on documents

Companies create all kinds of different documents for internal use and for their customers. From thank you letters and quotes to project plans and advisory reports. These have to be in order from different perspectives - so they have to be complex. We are going to give you a hand...

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Corporate identity
Word templates, all expressions in 1 house style
The basis of every document If you want to work efficiently with Microsoft Word, you use...

Word templates, all expressions in 1 house style

The basis of every document If you want to work efficiently with Microsoft Word, you are all too happy to use templates. Templates are pre-defined forms of a document in which fixed parts are included in the right style and size, and...

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Attachments module
Our attachment module saves a lot of time
Automated attachments in document creation software dStyle365 This is a message for all law firms. En...

Our attachment module saves a lot of time

Automated attachments in document creation software dStyle365 This is a message for all law firms. And for all transportation firms. And for all accounting firms. And for all ... well, for what company not really? As long as you're dealing with letters, reports, ...

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DMS: one of the Three Musketeers protecting your kingdom
A bit of organisation cannot do without a Document Management System (DMS). The paper document flow takes...

DMS: one of the Three Musketeers protecting your kingdom

A bit of organisation cannot do without a Document Management System (DMS). The paper document flow is decreasing, the digital version is only growing and occasionally threatens to go off its banks. To prevent this from happening and to prevent the digital version from...

Read more→ - Text fragments
Text fragments: efficient help for document creation
If you make smart use of dStyle365, on average about 90 percent of the typing...

Text fragments: efficient help for document creation

If you make smart use of dStyle365, on average about 90 percent of the typing is done for you automatically. Excuse me? Are we going to hire Hans Klok or something? No, the secret lies in the Text Fragments feature. A digital closet full of standardized...
Read more→ - Document creation
Document creation: It seems to be rolling out your printer...
Every organisation of any size knows the problem - well, problems - when...

Document creation: It seems to be rolling out your printer...

Every organisation of any size knows the problem - well, problems - when we talk about paper flow. Shall we list some of them? A corporate identity that lives a completely independent life within each department....
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