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DMS: One of the Three Musketeers Protecting Your Kingdom

DMS: one of the Three Musketeers protecting your kingdom

No organization can do without a Document Management System (DMS). The paper document flow is decreasing, the digital version is only growing and occasionally threatens to overflow its banks. To prevent that and to keep those digital documents safe, findable and usable for the organization, a DMS is a must.

Document creation

The Document Management System is one of the three musketeers that defend your organization - call it King Louis XIII - from administrative chaos. If the DMS assumes the role of Athos, that of Porthos is interpreted by the CMS (Client Management System) and that of Aramis by the Document Creation System, such as dStyle.

Happy end!

The three of them make sure that the complete 'paper' organisation, say the royal company's royal court, runs smoothly. And what about the role of d'Artagnan, the handsome fourth musketeer? Well, let it be the employee who, with knowledge, skills and qualities, really gives substance to the administrative organisation of the company.
Lovely, that kind of metaphor. And yes, the story of The Three Musketeers has a happy ending: the false cardinal Richelieu who tries to unleash chaos is defeated. Long live the king!

From a good home

In order to be able to defend the company's crown, Athos - i.e. the DMS - has to come from a good home. It must ensure that the valuable information stored in documents can be accessed by the right people at the right time and in the right place.
How does a DMS do that?


When digitising, a document is given metadata. Metadata are the weapons - swords, battle axes, halberds! - to fight chaos. They are data that describe the characteristics of certain data; they are actually data about data.
For example, the metadata provide information about the author, the date the document was created, the number of pages, the history of modifications, consultation and use, and so on.
On the basis of that metadata, links are made with other documents, with persons who have viewed the document, with changes that have been made to the document, and many other things that in fact give each document its own characteristic.


On the basis of that metadata, a document establishes relationships with other data, with other documents; it knows which persons may, no, must have access to that information. The document is automatically stored and, at the moment an authorised user searches for that information, just as automatically retrieved. And this also happens with all other documents with which it has a relationship.


The benefits of a good DMS are enormous. We'll name a few. No more wasting time searching for and storing documents. Guaranteed access to the latest version of a document for everyone who works with that document. All information related to a certain subject, service extension, product and file immediately available. Employees who have nothing to do with that information will not be bothered with it.

Perfect cooperation

Documentaal naturally has a DMS available for its customers: dStyleDMS. The big advantage of this Document Management System is the perfect cooperation with the Document Creation System dStyle365. Such a cooperation can be expected from two products that originate from the same laboratory.
But dStyleDMS also functions perfectly as a stand-alone DMS with other applications. And it works perfectly with any other Document Creation System (and CRM!). The staff at Documentaal can take care of that for you. They have already ensured the smooth cooperation of dStyleDMS with dozens of non-Documentaal applications.


DMS ensures an orderly course of the entire administrative process. It makes an important contribution to the efficiency and thus the profitability of the company. For every organization it is important to prevent administrative disorder from frustrating production.
Please choose the right means. It is better to keep Richelieu out of the door with one of the Three Musketeers than to fight against windmills in vain with Don Quixote....

Solution Documentaal

Wondering how Documentaal 's document management solution can berm your kingdom? You can! Simply contact us and our consultants will show you.

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