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Multi-level list Microsoft Word

A multi-level list in Microsoft Word is used when you want to organize information hierarchically and add sub-items. In DStyle/LegalWord we make sure that your multi-level lists are available in your organization's house style, i.e. with the correct font, character size and with correct indentation, in the Layout panel so that you have them at your disposal at the click of a button.

Here are some situations where you might use a multi-level list:

Table of Contents: When creating a table of contents for a document, you can use a multi-level list to structure the chapters, subsections and sub-subsections. Each level of the list corresponds to a particular hierarchical level in the document.



1. Introduction

1.1 Background

1.2 Objectives

2. Methodology

2.1 Data collection

2.2 Analysis


Hierarchical information: If you have information that has a hierarchical structure, such as organizational structures, classification systems or categorizations, a multi-level list is useful to show the relationships between items.


  • Animals
    • Mammals
      • Dog
      • Cat
    • Birds
      • Pigeon
      • Parrot

Step plans with subprocedures: If you have a complex step plan in which certain steps require subprocedures, you can use a multi-level list to structure the main steps and their sub-steps.


1. Preparation

1.1 Collect materials

1.2 Prepare workspace

2. Implementation

2.1 Perform step A

2.2 Perform step B


Thus, a multi-level list helps visualize the hierarchical structure of information and makes it easy to organize sub-items. It provides a structured and orderly presentation of complex information, allowing the reader to easily understand the interrelationships and levels.


For more information, see also the site of our partner Microsoft:

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