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The Future Of DStyle365/Legalword365 In MS 365 Environment

The future of dStyle365/Legalword365 in MS 365 environment

dStyle365/Legalword365 has been a household name for offices creating documents and using Microsoft Windows for many years. With developments in Microsoft, namely the transition to cloud, Documentaal is certainly not lagging behind!

Microsoft's support for so-called "add-ins" (COM add-ins) is coming to an end. Documentaal has add-ins for creating documents in Word, PowerPoint and Excel, and offers a mail signature in Outlook. Fortunately, this way of working in MS 365 (Office) programs will continue to be supported for a long time, at least until 2029 for Outlook, for example. But with Outlook, the new version of Outlook, which will soon be installed by default with Windows 11, cannot handle the COM add-ins just mentioned.

Apps in Microsoft Azure

So Microsoft is making the entire move to the cloud, offering with Azure a cloud platform where websites are hosted, audio and video streamed, data stored and also apps (programs) made available. Documentaal now has an app available for both Outlook and Word, hosted entirely online. These apps work reliably as you have come to expect from us, but have some other advantages.

Advantages dStyle365/LegalWord365 in the cloud

As mentioned, dStyle365/LegalWord365 is fully integrated into MS 365, with the additional benefits being:

  • The add-in no longer shuts down.
    COM add-ins still sometimes want to be turned off by Microsoft, for example when it takes a long time to load, or when Word crashes. With the Azure app, you no longer have this problem.
  • Installation a lot easier.
    Central installation is now possible through the Azure portal, where COM add-ons still have to be put on the computer manually, or with a script which is also not always reliable.
  • Instant loading of templates and settings via SharePoint.
    There is no need to deposit files on a network drive, or synchronize with OneDrive. Current templates and data are made available immediately.
  • Platform independent.
    Perhaps the biggest advantage is that creating templates, or using a central email signature are available in MS 365 not only for Windows users, but also for a MacBook.

The answer to your question

Lately, many of our customers have been asking us about the new developments in MS 365 and the future in Cloud. With the above app development of dStyle365/LegalWord365, we are well on our way to convert the convenience and usage as you are used to as an Azure app. Some of our customers are helping with this to test and improve the application. In doing so, a good foundation has already been laid, but not all functionalities from dStyle8/LegalWord8 are yet available in the new app. Fortunately, you can continue editing a document created in the cloud in dStyle8/LegalWord8.

Additional manpower and developers

For further development, we have deployed additional manpower, including developers from Africa. For us, this is a wonderful project delivered within scope - and to customer satisfaction.

Do you need to switch already?

If you're curious about how the new Azure app works in the cloud and want to keep up with the latest developments, get in touch with your contact at Documentaal. The Azure app and the version you are using now do not interfere with each other.

If you'd rather wait a little longer, that's also possible, of course. But at least then you will know that Documentaal is ready when you are.

Still have questions? Please feel free to contact us!

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