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DMS Accountants
Document Management & Creation: Calm in the digital document chaos for Accountants
A document management solution for accountants should provide peace of mind and order. As an accountant, you are ...

Document Management & Creation: Calm in the digital document chaos for Accountants

A document management solution for accountants should provide peace of mind and order. After all, as an accountant, you are busy enough with providing tax advice to clients, financial planning and legal compliance. Preconditions such as Document Creation and Document Management, aspects that are of...

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Microsoft Launches New Office Theme (and Default Font)
A breath of fresh air with updated colors and lines! In the upcoming months, something...

Microsoft Launches New Office Theme (and Default Font)

A breath of fresh air with updated colors and lines! Something big is about to happen at Microsoft in the coming months, as they are going to give their famous Office applications a major makeover. Imagine a brand new theme for Microsoft 365 with...

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Document management system
5 risks every business faces without a well-organized document management system
Regardless of a company's size, the volume of digital documents can quickly get out of hand,...

5 risks every business faces without a well-organized document management system

No matter the size of a business, the amount of digital documents can quickly get out of hand. Having a streamlined way to store and share information is essential to the effective operation of a business. Unfortunately...

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ChatGPT Helpdesk
Documentaal, ChatGPT and Python
ChatGPT for your help desk? The AI chatbot ChatGPT needs no introduction by now. Almost every...

Documentaal, ChatGPT and Python

ChatGPT for your help desk? The AI chatbot ChatGPT needs no introduction by now. Almost every Internet user has tried it out at some point. It seems like pure magic: you ask it to explain Einstein's theory of relativity to a 12-year-old child and you...

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Document Management For Engineers
Effective document management solutions for engineers
Document management for engineers. Why? Because as an engineer, you know better than anyone else how important it...

Effective document management solutions for engineers

Document management for engineers. Why? Because as an engineer, you know better than anyone how important it is to deal with document creation and management in an efficient and reliable way. After all, there are many aspects in which you, as an engineer, need solutions...

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Document Management For Housing Associations.
Document management for housing associations
Document management for housing associations: Managing all real estate and providing quality service to...

Document management for housing associations

Document management for housing associations: Managing all the real estate and providing good service to tenants is already a big job. But then you also have document management and document creation - two important aspects you don't...

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Corrupt Styles
A solution for corrupt styles in a document
Corrupt styles: Anyone who works a lot with longer, more complex Word documents has probably experienced it:...

A solution for corrupt styles in a document

Corrupt styles: Anyone who works a lot with longer, more complex Word documents has probably experienced it: You wanted to add a section from another document by copying and pasting it, but as soon as you did, the entire style changed...

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Document Management For Accountants
Document management for accountants: How Documentaal makes itself indispensable.
Document management for accountants: Time is money, right? We know how irritating it is to have those...

Document management for accountants: How Documentaal makes itself indispensable.

Document management for accountants: time is money, right? We know how irritating it is to have to remind that colleague to approve an invoice every time. Especially as the end of the month approaches and you...

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