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Repeating input fields

Repeating entry fields are created from the Tools ribbon, which only administrators have access to.


Place the cursor at the desired location in the text and in the Tools ribbon go to Repeating fields to place the fields in the document or text fragment.

A screen called:Modelmaker will appear on the right side.

On the Modelmaker screen, click Categories and choose Models. The available input fields will be displayed.

Combobox1 t/m 5 drop down list, choose from the list or type your own text
Date 1 - 5 select date in calendar
List 1 - 5 drop down list, only choose from the list
Text 1 - 5 text

Selecteer het gewenste veld, vul in het veld Placeholdertext een hint in. Klik links onder in het scherm Modelmaker op de knop <Insert om het veld in te voegen op de plaats van de cursor.
Tip: Hetzelfde invulveld herhalen ergens in de tekst kan door het veld te kopiëren en op één of meerdere plekken in de tekst te plakken.

The Combobox and List fields contain choices. Use the Lists button at the top right of the Modeler screen to create lists that you can use in the Combobox and List fields. On the left side of the Edit lists screen, click the + button to add a list. In the right part of the screen, use the + button to add items to the list.

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