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Retrospective PKIsigning And Documentaal: Efficiency And Innovation In Document Management

Retrospective PKIsigning and Documentaal: Efficiency and innovation in document management

PKIsigning and Documentaal: a valuable combination

Speed up your document creation and completion with dStyle365/LegalWord and PKIsigning

Quotes, order confirmations, collaboration contracts, employment agreements, non-disclosure agreements and more: with the collaboration of PKIsigning and Documentaal you not only create these documents at lightning speed(dStyle365/LegalWord365), but also settle them fully automatically (PKIsigning). How this works, Menno Ansink (Documentaal) and Reindert Doorn(PKIsigning) showed in the recently organized webinar. Below is a summary.

Document creation and legal validity

Creating documents in the correct house style, without the hassle of versions, is what dStyle365/Legalword365 has made its name with. Identifying signers and document sealing are expertises From PKIsigning for digital signing and secure delivery with complete security.

Reindert Doorn gave an important explanation about the legal validity of signatures. Through a quiz, he explained that a digital signature is 100% legally valid and should not be rejected for the fact that the signature is digital, for example, in a legal proceeding. However, legal effect depends on three levels, which we discuss below.

  1. Qualified: the highest security, where the signer is pre-identified through a passport check.
  2. Advanced: here, the proof list must be self-created, and any changes must be traceable afterwards. The signer has signed via, for example, two-factor verification.
  3. Simple: any other form, such as a tick, scan or scribble.

PKIsigning focuses on the first two levels because of the increasing importance of security due to cybercrime, identity fraud and regulation.

Live demo: how does this combination work?

When working with dStyle365/Legalword365, you start by creating or editing an order confirmation, for example. A smart questionnaire guides you through this and, if necessary, retrieves data from a CRM or CMS. Texts can be built dynamically, depending on legal entity or number of parties, for example, but you can also set the choices yourself, what kind of payment condition should be described, or is an extra paragraph devoted to a particular subject? This speeds up the work and prevents errors.

After the document is created, choose who should sign it. To do this, go to the PKIsigning button in the menu. Again, the CMS suggests contacts, including phone numbers and e-mail addresses. You can add multiple signers. Then the order confirmation is displayed for any changes or additions.

The next step is signing via PKIsigning. The first signer receives an invitation by mail, signs after going through an identification process via a QR code or text message, and the document is automatically forwarded to the next signer. The status is tracked in real time, providing convenience and efficiency for both the office and the client. A user-friendly overview shows the status from where you also easily send a reminder if needed.

Tool for tight deadlines

One of the biggest benefits of the dStyle365/Legalword365 and PKIsigning partnership is the effective workflow it offers users. By automating the entire document creation and settlement process, professionals save time and focus on their core business. This is especially important for busy professionals such as accountants, lawyers and notaries, who often face tight deadlines and a high workload.

With dStyle365/Legalword365, users easily create and manage documents, while PKIsigning ensures the secure and legally valid signing and settlement of these documents. This combination ensures that the entire process runs smoothly from start to finish.

Security and legality

Security and legal validity are crucial aspects of document creation and settlement, especially in the legal and financial sectors. dStyle365/Legalword365 ensures that all documents are consistent and professional. PKIsigning provides the security needed to ensure that documents are validly signed and securely transmitted. By using qualified and advanced electronic signatures, users are assured that their documents not only meet the highest security standards, but also have a high degree of legal security.

By using dStyle365/Legalword365 and PKIsigning, you not only save time, but also work with a well-thought-out work process. This leads to all your documents being consistent, professional, secure and legally valid.

This partnership provides a future-proof solution for professionals who want to continue to meet the changing demands of their industry. Whether you are creating quotations, order confirmations, collaboration contracts, employment agreements or non-disclosure agreements, with this partnership you can be sure that your documents are not only created at lightning speed, but are also fully automated and legally settled.

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