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TK attorneys notaries 

TK attorneys notaries
Best of breed document management: the success story of TK attorneys notaries 

In 2013, TeekensKarstens advocaten notarissen (TK) made a strategic decision by moving from an all-in-one package to a best of breed environment. This was initially with the combination of NetDocuments, ContactManager, Legalsense and LegalWord365. Recently, TK made the switch to DMSforLegal. According to Nando van Gorkum, Business Partner Facility & IT at TK, this was the right choice: " The recognizability of the Office365 applications for our employees combined with the seamless integration between the various providers ensures that LegalWord365 has become an indispensable link in our organization. " 

More than a decade of innovation and

TK has been working with this best of breed combination for over 10 years, and the experiences have been positive. "It all still works
very well, and there is also ongoing development on all sides. Also at LegalWord365," said Nando. Documentaal, the company behind LegalWord365, is open to suggestions from users. "My wishes at LegalWord365 are taken seriously. For example, we are now going to look at templates for PowerPoint presentations so that users only work with approved basic presentations. That's really going to help us." The support from Documentaal is also appreciated: "The consultants and help desk are always ready." This leads to an efficient working environment in which both lawyers and secretaries work (together) well. The recent switch from static to dynamic models within LegalWord365 allows for easy selection and modification of text blocks, ensuring up-to-date documents. 

Best of breed: short lines 

The choice of a best of breed approach has been a conscious one and has not led to a moment's regret. "When you see how short the lines of communication are between the providers; that's really nice," says Nando.

"The fact that the software from Epona and Documentaal are based on the Office365 applications ensures wide acceptance in our organization. The integration and communication between different packages run smoothly, making consequences of changes immediately apparent. "This makes you feel like you are using an integral package which we feel is very positive. "  

Save time and avoid mistakes 

Nando likes to look to the future and sees a lot of potential in AI and co-pilot applications. "In the near future, I'm also concerned with the impact of the new Outlook on how LegalWord365 works, for example. Fortunately, I know they are serious about that, so I am confident that will work out."

In addition, LegalWord365 provides centralized signatures and uniformity in documents. "The use of dynamic models ensures that everyone always uses the same basic content - using text blocks - , which conveys uniformity and professionalism."

The addition of PowerPoint templates and future integrations with AI and co-pilot are also on the roadmap, which will further increase efficiency and consistency. So Nando is very excited that Documentaal is closely following the developments of AI and co-pilot. A meeting between Epona, Documentaal and TK will take place soon to further discuss these developments. This gives Nando a great deal of confidence for the future. 

Order in digital chaos

With a database of millions of documents, it is crucial to bring order to the digital chaos. "DMSforLegal helps us search properly among the documents already created and LegalWord365 ensures that, when creating a new document, everyone always uses the same templates. This prevents errors and ensures uniformity." Using consistent basic content and styles in documents exudes confidence and strength, which has a positive impact on brand perception.

The move to a best of breed environment has brought TK a lot. With the combination of DMSforLegal, ContactManager, Legalsense and LegalWord365, it has created an effective and unified work environment. Openness to suggestions and constant development ensure that TK always stays up-to-date. This success story shows that the best of all worlds can indeed be the best approach. 

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