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Aveco de Bondt

Aveco de Bondt

Efficiency in style: how Aveco de Bondt is shaping the future with dStyle365 and SharePoint

Aveco de Bondt, an engineering and consulting firm, grew out of two companies that acquired several smaller firms. This diversity is both a strength and a challenge, given the broad range of services - from soil testing and structural calculations to groundwater investigation and sustainability consulting. "We provide 70-80 different services, previously even from five brands," says Helga Leeuwenkamp - van der Reest. "House style monitoring and consistent use of models was very difficult... dStyle365 has taken away all these concerns."

"With dStyle365 we work according to
a fixed pattern, which we find positive
. Our employees are incredibly intelligent, but we would rather not have them waste their energy on this kind of work."

Intranet as a starting point

In 2019, Aveco de Bondt started a project to develop an intranet with a project portal so that project administration and files could be kept in a unified way. In doing so, it wanted an application to secure the corporate identity, for the then five brands. Wortell, the company that provided the intranet, recommended Documentaal as the provider of an application for corporate identity management and templates. "The conversations and the proposal were good, so we quickly chose Documentaal," Helga says. "What we were looking for, Documentaal already offers in the basics."

Aveco de Bondt has been working with dStyle365 and SharePoint for almost five years now. "We find it important to secure Aveco de Bondt's corporate identity with one application," Helga explains. "Previously, we grabbed Word files for every new document and cut and pasted everything. With dStyle365 we work according to a fixed pattern, which we experience positively. Our employees are incredibly intelligent, but we would rather not have them waste their energy on this kind of work."

Finally, in 2021, the company launched one new corporate identity for all its brands. "Thanks to dStyle365, we enforce that everyone uses this style. If you communicate as a customer with our soil team or building physics team, everything looks the same, in terms of structure and appearance."

Centralized rollout of changes

Helga has set up a community internally and is application and functional manager of dStyle365. "Per business unit we have a document administrator who is the inquiry point for colleagues. I take care of the master templates and the business unit colleagues take care of the text blocks and models. This ensures expert knowledge and assurance on the shop floor."

Working with dStyle365 and SharePoint offers Aveco de Bondt numerous advantages:

  • Version control and uniformity: "We no longer have all kinds of versions of documents. If I amend general terms and conditions, I can be sure that everyone sends the correct version with them."
  • Efficiency and convenience: "We use text blocks in Outlook to draft emails faster and customize standard slides in PowerPoint. This saves a tremendous amount of time."
  • Customization: "Our project portal, based on SharePoint, ensures that project data is automatically populated in new documents. Documentaal looks at customization with us and communicates well with us and with Wortell."

Documentaal helps Aveco de Bondt centrally control and drive document creation, whether it's order confirmations, general conditions or e-mail signatures. "It requires an investment, but it delivers more than it costs. With 400 employees, it ensures that we work efficiently without employing additional FTEs."

The cooperation with Documentaal runs smoothly. Helga: "The team is always available and thoughtful. Suggestions are taken seriously and dealt with quickly. This gives peace of mind and confidence."

"dStyle-en has become a verb here," laughs Helga. "People appreciate the efficiency and convenience it provides. Documentaal helps us to come out as a strong brand, which makes our job a lot easier."

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