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From Chaos To Consistency: Why House Styles Make the Difference

From chaos to consistency: why corporate identities make a difference

At Documentaal we once started as a corporate identity application. Although today our services and products extend far beyond that, the importance of a strong corporate identity remains an indispensable part of our work. It is the basis for uniformity, recognizability and efficiency in documents. Yet we see that the importance of a well-set corporate identity is often underestimated. In this article, I'll take you through the power of corporate identities, what can go wrong if you don't use them and how we prevent that from happening.

The value of a good corporate identity

A corporate identity is more than just a logo or a set of colors; it is your firm's identity. It expresses core values and ensures that every communication - from an engagement letter to a litigation document - looks uniform and professional.

Imagine a law firm filing an important litigation document with the court. The document is a mess: the numbering is incorrect, the logo is out of date and the formatting is inconsistent. This immediately detracts from professionalism. The risk of faulty corporate identity extends beyond aesthetics; it affects the trust clients and stakeholders have in your firm.

The risks of poor corporate identity

What happens when an employee opens an old document, makes quick changes to it and forwards it? The result is often a document that:

  • contains outdated data: think an old logo or old contact information;
  • is inconsistent: differentfonts, colors or formatting rules lead to a sloppy look;
  • does not comply with regulations: in the legal world, formal errors can even be seized upon by counterparties.

How does Documentaal help?

With our software, we ensure that you always start with a clean slate. By using the 'Create New Document' button , you automatically start with a template that fully complies with the agreed house style. This means thatall documents are uniform; regardless ofwho creates them. But also thatthe correct styles are immediately available, such asparagraph styles, headings and theme colors. Evencomplex documentsremainconsistent. Evenreports or litigation documents of 100 pages.

A key advantage of our software is that we can create templates that contain different styles for various document types. For example:

  • Letters: font size 10, as is common in business correspondence.
  • Litigation documents: font size 11, required by the court.
  • Similarities: with its own header structure and formatting.

What if something goes wrong?

In practice, it is common for documents to become corrupted. For example, when multiple people in Office 365 work on a document at the same time, or when a document is shared with another office and then returned. As a result, styles can become corrupted or even disappear.

The answer: the styles recovery button

That's why we developed a unique feature: the styles recovery button. At the touch of a button, our software searches for the original template and restores the styles as they were intended. This prevents frustration, saves time and ensures that documents are fully in line with the corporate style again.

In addition, our software provides solutions for documents that become contaminated by copying and pasting. For example, when text is pasted from another document, foreign styles can come along with it. With our tools, you can quickly and easily remove these unwanted styles and apply the correct formatting.

Case studies: our impact with clients

Our clients face the daily pressure to perform professionally and flawlessly. One of our clients recently told us how she had spent an entire afternoon correcting a table of contents that wouldn't work properly. In the end, we solved the problem in just a few minutes.

We also often see organizations struggling with the formatting of complex documents. For example, procedural documents in which different numbering styles are mixed up, or agreements in which tables and attachments do not neatly fit together. Our software takes care of this automatically, allowing users to focus on what is really important. On our website you can find several customer stories on this subject: https:documentaal

Customized corporate identity management

Every organization is unique, and so are its corporate identity needs. That's why we offer customized solutions. For example, offices may have different sets of styles depending on the document type or label within the organization. An example would be a law firm that works with multiple brands or labels. Our software ensures that the correct house style is automatically selected depending on where you work.

In addition, we can collect styles in one master template so that they can be easily copied to other templates. This means that all documents within an organization are consistent, regardless of type or department.

Why a corporate identity is really important

A consistent corporate identity is more than just an aesthetic choice; it is a powerful tool to convey confidence and professionalism. It prevents chaos, saves time and ensures that your organization always appears trustworthy.

At Documentaal , we believe in the power of uniformity and help organizations replace chaos with consistency. Whether you're struggling with complex documents or looking for a way to better manage styles, we're here to help.

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